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2015: The year to Explore

Explore: (verb) to traverse over; to look into closely; to scrutinise or examine

Last year I started a new tradition for New Year. Rather than make a whole bunch of New Year's resolutions I more than likely would not keep, I chose a word that would define the year ahead for me. Last year my word was 'Commit'.

After years on the road I had resettled back in my home town of Toowoomba into a new full-time position in the Alumni Office at the University of Southern Queensland. In essence, I had traded my routes for roots. To say this was a major adjustment for me was an understatement. So I chose the word ‘Commit’ to help keep me focused on my reasons for making this change and to help keep me on track for the year.

This year my word is 'Explore'.

To many of you, the word 'Explore' may seem like an easy option for someone so used to travelling. But to ‘Explore’ means far more than to merely travel or traverse over something. It means to ‘look more closely at’ to ‘examine and scrutinise carefully’.

To me, this is the very heart of what The Art of Travel is about. What's more, you don't even need to be overseas to explore. You can be at home exploring a new neighbourhood in your city or trying out a new restaurant. The point is that you look more closely at what is around you, no matter where you are.

So for 2015, whether I’m at home, at work or abroad, my challenge to myself is to explore - to open my eyes to new options, new opportunities, new ways of doing and seeing things, new vistas, new places, new friendships and much more.

Happy New Year everyone!

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